The restaurant was a big house in a village.
When we arrived at 10.30 am the place was already full of people.
We just had to find a place at one table and than we could pick up the tea and food by ourself
sweet tofu and coconut pudding.

To arrive ther is very easy:
Take the red MTR line until the end (Tsuen Wan), than exit B, cross the bridge and find the minibus Nr. 80, go to the end (at least I think, it was the last station of the minibus, but just go off the bus, when you see a big house with many people :D )
Take the red MTR line until the end (Tsuen Wan), than exit B, cross the bridge and find the minibus Nr. 80, go to the end (at least I think, it was the last station of the minibus, but just go off the bus, when you see a big house with many people :D )
Or: call me and we go together
And here is a link of the restaurant with more Photos: