Donnerstag, 22. Januar 2009


Chinese New Year is starting and as much I would love to stay in HK and celebrate it here, I decided to go to Milan to visit my friends in Italy and Switzerland.
But here some pictures of the colorful symbols and decoration of Chinese New Year:

I was told, that the chinese name for "fish" has the same pronunciation like "left over". So.. as I understood the fish is for the new year a symbol for your savings (money or other things) from the last year. I like it :)

You can buy nice decoration; in fact the whole City, every building and every office are decoratet
and I couldnt resist to buy some thins in my favorite color.

The comming year (starting 0n 26.1.) is the year of the ox.


Dienstag, 20. Januar 2009

Wiebke und Debora

Besser spaet als nie :) kurz vor Abflug nach Deutschland bzw. China

Samstag, 17. Januar 2009


Since I m back from my holiday in Germany end of December, I had no time to write. It was so good to see my family and friends again. Some of my friends I havn't seen for 2 years. The only thing I didn't see was snow!!! One day after I left it started to snow and in my home village it was even 1.5 m high. I m only glad, it wasn't that cold (until -25 degrees) when I was there; although I was freezing all the time. Here some pics of my friends:

Forest without snow :(
